
It's Me!

This is my about page. My name is Emily. I am a fourteen year old twin living in Park City, Utah. Please don't confuse me with my twin, we are not even identical, she does not even look like me (but believe me, people do confuse us). I also have an older brother who is a senior.

My life is very busy, to say the least. I love playing soccer and I play competitively for my club team, Black Diamond Soccer Club. I also play high school soccer for Park City High. Along with two soccer teams, I am in band. I love music, and I play the tuba and the sousaphone. You should look at other sousaphone blogs! Most people don't believe me when I tell them this, probably because I am really small, Just under 5'. My sousaphone is about as big as me... Maybe bigger...

So, as you can see, I am very busy, add all of that to schoolwork, plus trying to maintain a social life. Besides all of this, my life kind of revolves around yellow. Pretty much anything having to do with the color yellow I will like. My favorite animals are a chick and a duck. I have a rubber duck collection of over 80 ducks. Another thing I love is Spongebob! That is my all time favorite tv show, I think it's hilarious. I think I have literally seen every episode, and they still make me laugh.

Another very unique thing about me is my hat. I have a winter hat that is mostly white and purple with a little pom-pom thing on top (I know, you're surprised it's not yellow). I have had this hat since first grade, and I wear it everyday (yes, in the summer too). Please don't worry, I wash it all the time. It still fits too! I love my hat, most people know me by "the girl with the hat". Of course, school pretty much ruins this part of me with the stupid "no hats rule".

Anyways, that's a bit about me, my hat, soccer, band, and yellow. Thanks for being interested in my extremely busy life.
This is me and some of my closest friends!


  1. Replies
    1. Hahahaha Paige! That is the greatest comment ever!
